I especially like the pictures on the wall. And everything in general. It’s very inspirational. I wish my room to be like this too.
BorisM commented on #contest2019
Oh wow I like how this studio looks like. Really can sense the vibe in this room. Love the colour tone and everything. Best luck to you!
BorisM commented on A small hobby.
The collection indeed looks very eye-catching. The pictures are very amazing and the atmosphere seems great. Love this refreshing energy and the entire feeling of this collection of gadgets!
There are indeed some new inspirations from this collection as many items listed here are new to me. I also like discovering different new gadgets too. To me it’s always like discovering a new world.
My eyeballs are captured. That’s just amazing. I’m impressed with the entire atmosphere. It’s very attractive and suits gaming very much. Like, I just became speechless.
BorisM commented on Black Friday Deals
I’m just too busy to catch up all the good deals. But if I have time, I will definitely get myself something from it. After all, good deals do not happen often.
Yeah right! I always enjoy looking at other people’s collections. They are always some inspirations to me and they give me some motivation to get some innovative ideas for my room decor and setups!
Indeed. I like cozy feelings in general. The atmosphere just makes you feel so comfortable that you basically don’t want to leave your chair. But I will also try to get myself more light though. If it’s too dark, it’s tiring for my eyes. 
Interesting, I like the idea of it. But I have a concern for the kids as I feel like they might be too young for reading on Kindles. I mean it might not be that good for the development of their eyes. Though I must admit kids are always on their... See more
Privacy is always a concern for me. Too many advantages have been taken by leaking our privacy to the third parties. Sometimes we just can’t avoid sharing our information online especially nowadays we have been relying on e-banking and other... See more
BorisM commented on Playstation 5 News
That has made us waiting for so long. Finally we got some news of it. I can’t wait to experience the new PS5. Though personally I was pretty satisfied with PS4 too.
I really wonder what’s the difference. I know there are many people who really care about the quality of headphones but for me I usually just can’t tell the difference.
I’m interested in studying videography. Trying to make aesthetic videos is a fun thing to do. Still working on that, hopefully will master it in the future.
I don’t know but the design is a bit off for me. I like how it looked like in previous versions but this time in my opinion they have gone a bit too far.
An eye massager would be great but the best method, for me, is to take more rest. I know it could be difficult when your life is busy, but massaging your eye without much rest doesn't seem to make any difference. 
BorisM commented on A Home Collection
Thanks! I am glad that you guys like the collection. Technology has just made everything simpler and easier. It has made our life more comfortable with all these gadgets. 
I will wait and see if the problem is really fixed. If it is really like what they said, that the problem of screen breaking is solved, then I will change my mind on it I guess.
Indeed. Also because I don't trust foldable phones that much. Even if they have fixed the issues, durability is the question we have to consider. 
Yeah, technology today is just incredible. Technology will be more and more advanced. Smart devices will get smarter and smarter in a way that maybe we can’t even imagine right now.
BorisM commented on iPads
You guys are right. A small screen is indeed not as enjoyable as a big screen. The main reason I prefer a smaller screen is because I always carry my tablet around and a smaller one seems more convenient to me.
The header of this collection is really cool indeed, I must say. Everything seems to be more stunning with more screens. I should get myself more too if I have more money. 
I feel you. Being a collector costs you so much that at one point you might just want to give up. I used to collect different things but always stopped at a point.
I guess that Google is much more dominant than Apple considering that only a small portion of the population owns iPhones. On the other hand, the bigger companies are buying off the smaller upcoming ones hence remaining dominant.
You are right. Google seems to be more prevalent than Apple. Small ones are hard to get into the market considering Google and Apple are that big. But for consumers, there's no doubt that more choices for us is always better. 
Yes I heard so much about phone explosions. It is scary especially because some famous brands also got their phones exploded. The charging device is surely important too. Everyone should at least have some knowledge of it. 
The products look great. It is nice that both the SmartThings Cam and the WiFi Smart Plug can directly connect to our wifi without the SmartThings hub. That makes it more convenient.