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16 Cores!

I may be dating myself, but when I first started following computers closely, four cores was a huge deal. Now, we're up to sixteen. The power is immense. Unthinkable back in the "quad core" days.
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15 Hottest Computer Cases of Computex 2019

There are some pretty wild computer cases featured here! I'm a sucker for a really cool case. It's one reason why I don't like models that have the monitor and machine built together.
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Google Calendar Latest Tech To Spread Phishing Link Scam

There are so many scams out there. You have to be really careful. A friend recently received a fake scam job offer! I wish all the scammers would just go and get a real job and leave decent hardworking people alone.
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New Intel core i9

I love when new CPUs and processors get released. This component sounds really powerful. Imagine what kind of video games you can play if you have this puppy in your machine. :)
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Get an 8K TV for the low, low price of $70,000

Most people don't even have 4K yet, but 8K is making its way onto the scene. At a whopping 98", this TV sounds like a beast. Can you image having a 98" television in your living room? It's going to be a long time before anyone but the 1% have a TV anywhere close to this.
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Affordable quality speakers.

These speakers seem very affordable for the level of quality. High-end speakers can cost thousands, so it's nice to see someone making a well put together and cost-effective solution.
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Good news for Switch owners.

If you have a Nintendo Switch, your system just received an upgrade. Updates include faster loading times, the ability to transfer saved games from one device to another and the option to change the display order of your software on the Home screen.