I do like using VPN for watching movies and download certain applications but I feel like it is becoming more and more difficult to find them. I used Nord VPN for the longest time but wouldn't recommend.
I find the pricing to be a little steep to be honest. I am sure there is a market for this, Google knows how to do their research but personally for me this wouldn't be it.
That's a great setup. I have the 2 screen setup, in addition to my laptop screen which I only use for emails. But I am also considering getting one of those standup desks.
Although I like what it looks like, I just don't like it as a smartphone. I couldn't see myself walking around with a phone like that. I am sure it is handy for those that use phones for business or something but I don't think the regular... See more
I have tried many different applications but none give me everything that Office covers. I do use Google Docs, but that's mainly to keep track of some things, definitely not for analyses and the sorts
I've been seeing these smart coffee makers around lately, but I really enjoy the process of getting up and making myself a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, so it wouldn't be for me.
I've actually tried this with my cats but they are not interested. It is as if they don't care or maybe aren't able to see the screen? Maybe it is the depth that is missing?
There doesn't seem to be a lot of information on this phone yet, but I am really liking the design of it. I think Huawei is doing some really good things with their phones, I don't understand why they're not that mainstream yet.
I would definitely look into this. I do like having a smart audio system and Sonos is great, but it is so pricey. To me, Sonos does look more exclusive, but not necessarily better.
Some of these are really good books. I think I will look into Side Hustle. I think Dave Ramsey is great, but some of his approaches are a bit too conservative for me. They are geared towards the traditional families who value their homes more... See more
I am not into this new look. I was really hoping that the 11 would be worth the upgrade. I have only bought the X because I was due for an upgrade, not because I necessarily think it was worth it. Let's see what happens on Tuesday!
I don't love the wireless earphone trend to be honest. Maybe I have yet to find the perfect wireless earphones but the ones I've tried so far have connections issues, which is really bothersome.
I used to be a big fan of videography on a stark white background but this really catches my eye as well. Wouldn't think a dark object against a black background would work, but it does! I also have an 80D, it seemed to be the camera to get for... See more
I'm all for competition, but come on Google, create something that's new and unique.  I'm so bored of the same battles.  Give us something creative that no one else is doing.  
I agree, I feel like the market has been saturated, there is nothing really ground-breaking happening anymore. It's all a bit of the same. I hope that in a few years they will come out with someone truly interesting. It's been a while since I've... See more