It seems like more and more people are starting to fear AI, thinking that robots are going to take our jobs and take over the world. I truly believe that AI is there to make our lives easier. Do I believe it can automize a lot of our work for us? Sure, but doesn't that only make us better? Are you afraid of robots taking over?
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Hollywood portrayal of AI's made us fear them, wherein many of these programs increased the quality of our lives. The robots with AI freed us with menial work of doing one specific action over and over again.
I think they could ruin is, but it will be due to human error. Robots run on algorithms which are created by humans. Human make mistakes.
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I remember reading something about an experiment that went awry because of a human error in the course of setting the algorithm. AI definitely has its pros and cons but a lot of this will depend on the precision of the programmers.
I really don't believe in this. I don't think robots will create a mind of their our or will be able to outsmart humans. I think it's great that AI exists and it helps us in many ways but I also think Hollywood makes it looks a bit scarier than... See more
The idea that AI will get rid of a lot of tasks that require human intervention could mean that there is a possibility of mass lay-offs, but the truth is that our lives could change for the better. It is always said that nothing can ever stop in... See more