Apparently our nation's mobile providers have decided that keeping their promises is for chumps. Although carriers pledged to stop selling location data, they're not about to say no to all that money unless they're forced to by law.
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It is clearly evident that this a huge revenue stream for these mobile carriers, otherwise why would they continue selling personal data even with increased scrutiny? Is it so hard to draft a law that protects consumers against such access of... See more
Whenever we put our personal data that will be recorded digitally, then we have no control over what they will do with it even with rigorous law enforcing. Money speaks as they say and it has more voice than all the consumers combined unless of... See more
I think that the issue here isn't so much about the sharing of personal data but rather about the same data being accessed by third parties. Why is it hard for the law enforcers to prevent this from happening? Has everything else spiralled out... See more
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I think it has reached a point where people don't worry so much about whether or not their location details are being shared because no action is being taken against the perpetrators. The greatest possibility is that companies use the location... See more