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iPhone XR's Possible Camera Updates

It looks like the portrait mode is quite popular for the camera app developers to go this far. Apple is seriously pushing for XR when it's only recently released. They seem to have faith in this device, and I can also see why. How do you think the sales will go?
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Analogue's New Sega Console: Mega Sg

I agree with the article's author opinion about how smart this move is. It feels good to buy a console which can play both the old and modern games instead of having two consoles for each. Nintendo and Sony get themselves a great competitor this time.
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Does online privacy exist?

It's not a deep analysis, but a good one nonetheless. As we practically breathe with the internet now, we are always wondering how much it knows about us. It may be uncomfortable, but it seems like a worthy trade-off.
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Are you still interested in gaming phones?

Call me old, but the last gaming phone I remember is the N-gage. Mobile gaming has come a long way since then, but so does the smartphones. Now you can play big games on regular phones as long as the processor and RAM are strong enough. Are these gaming phones going to sweep the market?
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Now we have wireless power banks!

Maybe the idea never crossed my mind because I don't have anything I can charge without a wire. I'm sure many modern phone users will feel delighted by this convenient item. Are you planning to get one?