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Many companies wouldn't survive what Facebook has been through

I wonder if any other entity has gotten as much beating as Facebook has this year. All the same, I don't think claims of anti-conservative bias caused as much damage as the Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
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The iCloud backup error can be so annoying

I resorted to disabling the automatic backup for a while until I had found a solution. This error used to persist for up to a week but now, these two methods actually work for me.
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Making the switch to a modern alarm clock

I have always used the alarm in my smartphone because it not only wakes me up but also analyzes my sleep pattern. All the same, it may be the right time to purchase a clock that emulates the sunrise in the morning.
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Why do smartphones overheat?

It gets annoying when the phone keeps overheating and most of the time, this has everything to do what a user subjects their phone to. Fortunately, it is good to note that there are ways in which this can be prevented.
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Falling for scammers

Scammers are always on the prowl, and it is no surprise that there are thousands who have fallen for this. A smart scammer cleverly directs traffic to a certain website, thereby earning instant income. Most people would fall for anything that doesn't directly require payment of cash.
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iPad Pro 11

I love the outlay and general design and it is clearly evident that Apple put in a lot of work here. It is rare to get a device that appeals to both the creatives and professionals. Do you agree with this review?
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Choosing the best fitness tracker

I must admit that I bought my first fitness tracker without first finding out if it fitted what I wanted to achieve with it. A few weeks after the purchase, it eventually hit me that there were cheaper bargains elsewhere and that had I considered omitting any extra features, the cost would have... See more
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Is there a big difference between the two?

I had never bothered to find out what a mirrorless camera is all about but now it seems that this is the path that camera manufacturers have chosen to follow. It would be ideal for beginner photographers to stick with the DSLRs and probably upgrade with time.
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Smartphone or DLSR/compact camera

There are a lot of smartphones with excellent cameras that are being designed every other time and most people are heavily reliant on the smartphone camera. I would still purchase a camera for this purpose, even though my smartphone camera still suits me.
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Did you learn the hard way?

I couldn't help but think about what I went through when purchasing my first laptop ever and how I went for the cheapest one available, at that time. I didn't care much about what needs it needed to fulfill in the long-term and so I quickly ran out of storage space after a while. My thinking is... See more