Today we're pleased to announce that Scooget now lets you to share your setup in Twitch. Under the Twitch platform, our Scooget extension features the display of multiple setup photos together with product tags
The Best Microphones for RTX Voice
Background noise is the bane of everyone who wants to use a microphone for… just about anything.
Best VR Headset 2021 - The Winners on Value and Features
It’s mid January 2021, and the Oculus Quest 2 has been out for around seven weeks. In that time, it has surpassed the original Quest’s all-time peak and monthly active users!
What Would You Do for an AMD Big Navi?
The parking lot was a wasteland of despair and broken dreams. I adjusted my mask before stepping out of the car, hoping that this would be my last stop…
A Gamer's Guide to Mechanical Keyboards
When we talk about mechanical keyboards, we need to remember that a mechanical keyboard isn't a brand new piece of technology
What to Look for in a Gaming Monitor
Gaming monitors; specially designed computer monitors capable of handling and displaying intense graphical output from hardware demanding computer games.
How to choose a Gaming Desk in 2020
One of the most overlooked elements in most gaming setups is the table or desk. It is, after all, where you will be placing all of your parts and you want all the attention to be on your PC or console and not the surface where it is sitting.