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McFreeddy on YT
Modern budget console setup
I use a PS4 for now until I can afford my pc in a year so at the moment I just use mouse and keyboard on console
Count's Battlestation
Used for gaming, schoolwork, and minor video editing. Still looking to get a new chair and new monitor to complete my setup.
Widjaya Perera
"My clean cozy college computer center - Tried for color, cleanliness, and usability. What do ya think?"
Credit: u/Jacobowitz "As for future updates for the desk setup: I am probably going to pick up a different, larger desk in the near future as it's a bit cramped currently. That and I am going to try and replace my entire audio setup with new headphones, amp, DAC, and maybe a nice pair of bookshelf speakers. For the PC: Definitely going to be replacing the cooling system - new CPU cooler and better, quieter fans. Other than that I've had the PC for over a year and she's still kickin ass! Past that I am looking for any suggestions, hope yall like it!" Email [email protected] if the owner of this setup would like to have it corrected or removed.
ThatPetra Social Media Creator
Streaming Setup
This is where I do all my streaming, as well as video editing.
Dante B
Weird priority setup
i got the 60hz monitor back when i used a ps4, i didn't know much about refresh rate and so now i'm stuck with 60fps. planning to get new desk and add personality, and buy a good 1440p monitor and use the current one as a second one. so that is why my monitor and pc are extremely imbalanced. i also realize that i didn't need to buy more case fans or use a r9 3900x but i think its awesome! and all of my rgb is controlled by icue also im planning to buy a desk for better cable management and to put the pc on
Kiera Big
WIP Gaming Setup
Very out dated and needing upgrades. Does the trick for school but needs to be better for gaming.