I like this as well. My desk is quite cluttered and full of things, but I like this aesthetic. The only thing that bothers me about this is that the screen is covering a big part of the window. I would put my monitor off to the side a bit more.
The most important thing to me when choosing a headset, especially for gaming is that it needs to be over-ear. If I wear it for hours on end, which with gaming definitely happens, I cannot have anything touch my ear.
I agree that as long as it is stated somewhere that the maximum is 15GB and after that you pay, it is reasonable. But maybe they are now noticing that this storage is getting out of hand.
I am all for these developments! I agree that people are visual creatures and I think this is a big reason of why people still go to stores because to be able to see a product in 3D is different than seeing a picture of it online. So VR will be... See more
That is a good comparison to Facebook. People got so used to Netflix, as well as the audience that isn't too tech-savvy so they're more likely to stick to Netflix rather than experiment with other services. I think we underestimate the size of... See more
Although the idea is cool, I truly wonder if this will become something that sticks. I think there are many mistakes that could be made, that a human could prevent. But let's see if this takes off.
I think it is partially bragging rights as well. If the world is moving towards Wi-Fi 6, there's always going to be companies that want to be first even though there is no use for it for now, in the future there will be.
I have had many people tell me they install betas and that they really enjoy being able to test out new features before it actually hits the masses, but I feel like I would get too frustrated.
That is crazy. I like it a lot but I wonder how much space that takes up in a dorm. If I would have put this up in my dorm, I would have to sleep under the table. I do love the cutting mat!
This is a wonderful idea to have a Kindle aimed at children. I like the functionality of being able to look up certain words. I think a lot of people will dislike the fact that it's not a real book but I don't see the issue with this.
I have never heard this myth but it seems silly. My phone gets hotter when I use it for a long period of time than when I leave it on the charger. 
I would be interested in seeing the specs. If you get the Lite version, what would it be lacking? I agree that only having two shades isn't very attractive, especially black and red, those are too standard. 
That is an insane price tag for headphones, especially since for less than $200 you can get pretty amazing headphones with fantastic quality. I feel like the brand targets a whole different audience with these.
I was just saying that I was hoping for some PS5 news. This sounds pretty cool. I like the tactile triggers. I think this will enhance the experience immensely!
I also use Chrome for the same reason, I like the extensions. But I also feel like Google does a lot to secure the information so it is a very secure browser, or at least a browser that I trust.
Although I like the innovative design - I am a fan of companies that actually come out with new designs and don't just copy what everyone else is doing, but I just think it is very convenient to have information on the side of it like a book.
I like the larger screen on smartwatches. I agree that the last update is not as interesting for a larger audience. I definitely expected more from it. I would still go for the Series 3 if I am looking at the price.
Sony has been winding us up for so long about this new PlayStation, that expectations are bound to soar!   The rumors sound promising. Don't let us down Sony!  
Exactly. I feel like the rumors keep coming and going though. I've been waiting for this for a long time! I can't wait for them to finally officially drop something.
I think the changes they made to the iPhone 11 are pretty cool but for me personally it just doesn't add anything really. If you're in the market for a new phone I think this is a great option but if you upgraded last year I don't consider it... See more
I feel like wireless earbuds are difficult because of the fit. They're such a personal preference. I think the price tag on the AirPods aren't that bad if you look at the other options.
I think this might be a great upgrade for amateur photographers or maybe professional photographers that like to mess around with their phones. But this just does not appeal to me, because the emphasis is on photography and that's not my thing.
I was surprised about the pricing. I don't know what I expected but I find $300 to be on the lower end. I can't wait to see it in action in real life. I am considering getting this one.
I wonder how popular this will be. I don't think it is something for me but I do wonder about the target group here. The games they showed do look interesting though. 
I think Apple needs to calm down with releasing so many different versions. I understand what they are doing but I can see how it is causing a lot of trouble in the community. People get stuck and don't know what to choose because they are... See more
I surely hope that this is not what they will look like because with Apple, a sleek design is so important to the consumer.
I think it is a matter of portability vs whether or not people need a big screen for what they use their smartphones for. I personally do like the big screens but I know many people who wouldn't even watch a video on their smartphone, so for... See more