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Lughaidh Ó Cléirigh
my gaming, stock shares and photography setup
this is my gaming photography and stock shares setup I'm looking for a new keyboard and chair if anyone could suggest one I would appreciate it and any other suggestions. The desk is motorized and moves up and down I love it I highly suggest it to everyone as I prefer typing standing up
Dante B
Weird priority setup
i got the 60hz monitor back when i used a ps4, i didn't know much about refresh rate and so now i'm stuck with 60fps. planning to get new desk and add personality, and buy a good 1440p monitor and use the current one as a second one. so that is why my monitor and pc are extremely imbalanced. i also realize that i didn't need to buy more case fans or use a r9 3900x but i think its awesome! and all of my rgb is controlled by icue also im planning to buy a desk for better cable management and to put the pc on
Pc setup and console
This is a upgraded setup from my last on about 2months ago pc parts are listed on the page and it costed is about 800. I'm getting a new monitor for Christmas so I will have 2.
Astrofoil So your set up is great but i think that it would look a lot better if you put the led strips on the bottom of you desk so it does not show the cord.You can get a stand for you headphones or a hook to put on the bottom of you desk when your done with them.The cable management needs a lot of work I recommend that you get velcro to put them together and put them also on the bottom of your desk so you don't see so many wires.
Minimalistic Work from Home/Gaming Set Up
A Purple, White, and Black Themed Work From Home/Gaming Set Up