These are neat although some are pretty niche. How many people are in the market for a headband magnifier? I love looking at unique gadgets though. Technology is amazing!
Wireless charging is a great feature. In my opinion, that's a huge selling point! With so many devices that rely on charging these days, having a simple and effective way to keep them powered up is essential.
Thanks for highlighting these products. I've been considering getting one because I've read it's much nicer to read an e-book on an e-reader as opposed to a phone or tablet.
Laptops less than 17" are just too small for me. I can't see myself purchasing even a 16" one. I'm sure there are many others that feel the same way, especially those who are visually impaired.
Thirteen hours sounds pretty amazing but I'm skeptical. Usually the advertised battery life of electronics doesn't pan out. The $900 price tag seems a bit too steep for what this laptop offers.
I've never known a single person who used Apple TV or even seen one of the device in real life haha. Perhaps the acquisition of a beloved series will help them get more customers.
Facebook banned him? Wow, talk about unethical. Legally, how were they allowed to ban him for exposing them? It seems like something that they could get in a lot of trouble for.
Love it. Sixteen hours of battery life is awesome, but I have to wonder if that's actually true. Manufacturers always seem to pump up battery life stats.
Oh my goodness, that's simply astounding. One of my friends has three monitors and I thought that was pushing the limits. This setup takes "extra monitor" to a whole new level :)
I like this and I think the price is decent. I mean, it's VR. It's bound to be expensive - though it is true that the Oculus is more affordable. Comparing the two, I would go for the Oculus, but this headset still holds its own.
I wish they'd make an assistant with a male voice for once. I fear that having all these devices sound like women creates gender bias that women are ready to help you, entertain you, and see to your needs. Just bark your orders at Alexa or... See more
I can't speak for Alexa or Siri as I've never owned them, but there is a male voice available for the Google Home device. You just have to go into the settings to change it.
It really is disheartening that companies are making products that can't be readily repaired. I don't know if it's by design or if the technology is just that far advanced and sensitive.
It is for sure by design. I miss the days of being able to take the battery out of the back of my phone. I'm sure there's some phony "official reason" why they made the change, but I don't buy it. They just don't you to be able to swap the... See more
I think vaping is great. I wish it worked for me! I'm a smoker and I personally hate the act of vaping. It makes me cough and it just feels icky. I know it seems odd that smoke is soothing and vapor is an irritant, but hey, it is what it is.
Love the look of this device. It sounds pretty amazing. I've somehow never heard of the first model. I'm going to be looking into this a bit more. I may just purchase one.
Samsung rushed to try and be an early adopter and it bit them in the behind. Even if they bounce back (which I'm sure they will), their reputation will still be tarnished.
I don't think most people rush to upgrade their television set. Even upgrading a phone all the time is becoming a less common practice. Personally, I'll keep my television until it stops functioning.
The thing is, most people will go with the familiar instead of uncharted territory. We all know and trust Netflix, so they still hold the advantage. Users aren't going to want to shell out money for each network's streaming service. They will... See more
Wow, I absolutely love the design of this phone. I think this is the best one I've seen yet. They've pulled it off. Very impressive. I'll be waiting to hear more news about when this is being released.
Very interesting. I didn't know my phone had hidden diagnostic testing capabilities. My phone hasn't given me any trouble just yet, but I'll keep this in mind for the future.
I always found the opposite to be true. The first thing I do is restart my computer and it rarely fixes the problem. If we're talking about things lagging, then yes, restarting does work. For larger issues, it doesn't seem to do anything.
My favorite feature mentioned is the vocal Google Maps directions. I'm the type of person who needs something right next to my ear to hear it properly and this could go a long way in making sure I don't miss a step while I'm driving in an... See more
Cryptocurrency is all over the place. It always seems to be on a rollercoaster ride. I don't quite understand it, to be honest. What makes one more valuable than another?
I used to have a hot tub, and while I did enjoy using it, I'm glad I don't own one anymore. Between that and the pool, there was a lot of maintenance required.
It's a good service, but I don't see the need for it myself. I'm not very guarded with my phone number. It's good that there are so many options for people who may need it.
I'm not lucky enough to have an Ember mug, but it sounds fantastic! I may just look into purchasing one. I have a bad habit of forgetting my coffee and letting it go cold.
Microsoft Office is just not worth the price these days. Google's products such as Docs and Sheets are enough for most people and will most likely only continue to improve.
A modular phone is great in theory but is still rather clunky in practice. I think this type of device has potential to become great, but we just aren't there yet.
Just a few months ago I'd never heard of a folding smartphone before. Now, I can't go a day without seeing an article about one. I think it's an exciting time. There's lots of anticipation for a final product being in the hands of real-world... See more
I agree legislation is the only way to go. There should be more of a penalty than strictly financial, or the fines need to be higher. These billion dollar corporations seem to pay the fine and then go on to break the same rules over and over.
I think this is much needed and long overdue. There are so many companies getting away with sketchy things online due to lots of legal grey areas or even lack of an existing law at all.
Consumers are less loyal to brands these days. They want the best deal. The most bang for their buck. Whoever can provide that (or convince the buyer they can provide it through clever advertising) is going to get the sale.
Netflix is good but has limitations. Most of the time, when I search for a movie I'm in the mood to watch, they don't have it. They also removed almost all of the Disney movies. There is a free and simple alternative to Netflix, but some find it... See more
I like it, but it looks rather large to me. I'm with Gamerglitter, please make a phone that has a decent battery life. Surely, the technology must be available!
My regular ol' gas powered vehicle has trouble starting in this dreadful cold. I had to call for a boost a few days ago. I'm done with this winter. I wish I could afford a tropical vacation.
They owe $32 billion in loans? Count me as another person that had no clue large corporations operated in this manner. I'm not thrilled about having to pay more for Netflix yet again. Before we know it, it's going to be the same price as... See more
Very cool. Things like this are so important to foster an interest in Engineering for children and youth. If they get into these kinds of things at a younger age it won't seem so overwhelming as they get older.