I like it but I've had problems in the past with the magic keyboard and I read that there has been an increase of complaints over the past few months. Hopefully Apple isn't starting to nosedive in quality.
Nice. I like the third monitor.  I've been thinking of adding one to my desktop setup but I don't know if I have enough extra space to make it work. 
CptJaneway - Edited
I have my eye on the PhoneSoap sale. The website currently has a code for $20 off. I wonder if they'll offer the 30% in addition to that?
Really cool, thanks for sharing. I actually have the same chair :) I really like the blue and purple light. What do you have sitting in the seat? It looks really fluffy.
I use a VPN now and then when necessary. It would nice if our data was secure by nature instead of having to purchase and use an additional product. 
I think self-driving cars have a lot more variables than drones and there is also a lot more at risk than a damaged package. Self-driving cars make me nervous, but I'm all for the drones! Bring them on!
I think being first really gives them a big advantage.  People are resistant to change so they're more likely to stick with what they know.  They'll stay on top for a long time. 
I agree with this. Netflix is to streaming as Facebook is to social media. People don't like change. I can see services like Disney+ taking off because people want content for their children, but I think Netflix will still be the go-to service... See more
I am probably one of the very few people who has no problem with my personal data being out there. I never give super personal or sensitive information like my social security number, and I don't see a problem with my data being out there.
Your data is used by corporations to try and sell you a vast array of products. Your interests are a way to line their pockets. It's also used by social media to try and influence you to think and feel a certain way. The implications are quite... See more
I really hope they don't stop developing the Surface. It's my favorite tablet. I've used the iPad, Amazon Fire, Samsung Galaxy, and even a no name brand.  In my opinion, none compared to the Surface.
These look fantastic. I love that shade of red as well...but I had a similar experience with a pair of Skullcandy headphones. I paid a premium price but ended up with a dud...talk about disappointing. 
I love the look of this new headset. I'm dying for an excuse to buy a VR headset :) Prices have gone down a lot over the last few years so I should be able to pick one up soon. 
Those keyboards are the pits. The spacebar stops working along with random letters. I'm not sure why - I don't think anyone does except Apple. It was a massive design failure!
Thanks for sharing. More and more devices are controlled with our voices. If only they could get the blasted technology working properly, it'd be great :)
CptJaneway commented on 16 Cores!
Goodness, I remember much further back than the first quad core machines. Think Pentium ll :) Just imagine where we'll be in a few years time. 
I like wireless headphones because I swear that all it takes is a slight breeze to tangle my cord into a giant knot. No one seems to tangle their cords as expertly as me, I'm afraid!
Drones are really interesting. They are almost "old hat" at this point, but yet they still seem rather futuristic, don't they? I'd like to see what it's like to operate one.
Ugh, they're everywhere. On the phone, in our emails, sending us junk letters through snail mail. One has to wonder how much the return is for the amount of effort it takes to pull these scams off. Technology has unfortunately made it easier... See more
I'm not sure sure where the future of folding phones stands at the moment. The fragility of the screen seems to be an almost insurmountable challenge at the moment.
I agree, the review makes it sound like a lot of fun. The price isn't too bad either. Not long ago, all VR headsets were over $1000. 
CptJaneway - Edited
To be honest, aside from the new camera, it looks pretty much the same as any other iPhone to me. I suppose there are some slight differences. I think Samsung devices already have a dark mode.
It's a shame, really. So many people were very excited for this release. It's been an absolute failure thus far. I know there's still work to be done on the product, but Samsung gave us the impression the phones were much more stable and... See more
I'm not sure any of these are real indications that your number is blocked. I hope people take this information with a grain of salt. 
The almighty dollar is king, even in the face of literal  life or death! Data transfer speed is precious and these companies know it. They exploit us at every turn. It has to come to an end. 
I think drones are pretty cool. I've seen a definite increase in media regarding them in the past year; especially around Christmas time. They're becoming more commonplace and people are going to feel more comfortable with them as time goes on.
I really don't like the look of the vehicle pictured. Hopefully when we can fly instead of drive, we'll be doing so in style! I think flying cars are still a long time coming. 
I've had my phone for two and a half years and I don't see myself buying another one soon unless something unexpectedly goes wrong with it. I had my previous phone for three years before the battery started to malfunction. The device itself was... See more
CptJaneway commented on "Hey Google!"
Nice. I like where these devices are headed. They're still basically in their infancy, so there are some kinks to work out, but they're improving all the time. These devices are going to do a lot to help people, especially those who have limited... See more
Wow! It sounds like the US is trying to bully Huawei off the scene. I recall a previous article saying the accusations against Huawei are unsubstantiated. I don't think the US is being motivated by altruism. This whole situation seems really... See more
I think it's probably just too expensive for companies to invest in making phones more water resistant. There's also the added bonus of extra sales when your device goes belly up from coming into contact with water.
I wonder if the creator had any idea how far reaching his invention would become. The world wide web has entirely changed society and humanity itself. 
I remember when Blackberry was the coolest phone on the planet to own. I liked mine, but often got frustrated with the tiny keyboard. I do miss having physical keys on my phone. The touch screen can get aggravating too at times!
Oh, please. "Oops, we forgot to list it in the specs! Sorry about that. Carry along now, nothing to see here." I'm sure. That just sounds too ridiculous to be true. 
I don't like the design of the Huawai model. Something about it just looks a bit off. The Samsung design is much sleeker and will appeal to a larger number of people in my opinion. 
This is a neat little gadget. It looks comfortable and convenient. I don't mind using a conventional mouse but this is something I would look into.
Count me out. The last thing I want is another device that needs charging. I'm happy with my manual laces. We don't need a "smart" version of everything.
I've never heard of Inbox but it doesn't sound like something I would be interested in using. Some of the new Gmail features are irritating, such as the suggestions it gives you to complete your sentences as you're typing them. It's distracting... See more
I struggle to understand why somebody would purchase a MacBook that has less power than a Windows machine with a much higher price tag. Is the brand really all that important?
I can attest that zooming in with your phone produces a poor quality image. The amount the quality lessens is strange to me, because it's not just some barely noticeable thing; it's a lot worse! The picture becomes blurry and pixelated.
This sounds like a really good device. "Gentle wake-up" doesn't really work for me though, I need aggressive wake-up. I like the fact it's more dim at night than in the morning. I hate bright lights when I'm trying to sleep. $79 is a great... See more
I think the problem with VR is they tried to develop things that were too realistic right out of the gate. What I mean by that is, they developed "games" where you mow the law and cut vegetables. Who wants to do that? Once they focus on making... See more
I think this is a nice idea. Seniors aren't like the younger generation in terms of preferring text communication. They would still rather speak to someone. Having a bot that talks to you and initiates conversation could go a long way in having... See more
Echoing the comments above me, I looked into how much it would cost to purchase a Tesla a couple of years ago just out of curiosity. The BASE cost was $100k+. It's insanity.
I love this. It would do everyone a world of good to have better financial habits. If we start while they're young, it's going to be ingrained in them. They'll thank us when they're older and not struggling.
Hmm, so kind of like those TV stands? I always wanted to get one of those for my TV. I hate clutter and the amount of space on my desk irks me on a daily basis. I'm going to seriously consider purchasing one of these monitors.
It should be called a folding tablet instead of a folding phone. Still, seems pretty sweet. I figured Samsung was going to be the first one to release the folding phone, looks like I was wrong.
I love the idea of the Smart Dog Tag. My dog always escapes from the backyard and causes a headache for me tracking him down. I would love something that instantly alerts me if he gets a certain distance away from the house. I also like the look... See more
The phone looks very nice, but my old phone is still going strong. I purchased it in December 2017, so it's just barely a year old. I cannot afford to purchase a new phone every time a new model is released. I certainly like "window shopping"... See more
People get really frustrated talking to automated systems. No one likes calling into a customer service line and having to explain to the system why they're calling. I think it would be just like that. I can't see myself using this feature.
This looks so sleek and futuristic. I hope the devices don't cost an arm and a leg because I would absolutely love to get one. I do worry that repairs may be costly if something goes wrong. Aba1940, I have not heard about folding laptops. That... See more
I agree with Harper. If we're constantly forking over all of our personal information, can't we at least benefit in some way in return? Instead, we seem to be gouged even more than before the advance of technology.
Technology is becoming too invasive. It scares me. As technology grows, more and more corporations are going to use it to exploit humanity for their benefit. What's going to come next?
I loved my old cell phone that had a keyboard. I was very hesitant to switch to touchscreen, but I had no choice in the end. I wish they would bring back keyboard phones.
This was a really interesting article. It's getting harder and harder to trust what anybody has to say about a product online. You used to be able to find reliable reviews pretty easily. Now, it's all faked, so you never know what you're going... See more
Cool list. It reminded me that I used to love IMDb message boards. One day they announced they were taking them down. I never found out the reason why. There was always traffic on the boards, so it didn't make much sense to me.  After the boards... See more
This is a really neat idea. It seems a bit far-fetched but how cool would it be if these became a reality? I know I'd use them!
Jamiex - Edited
I algree with @Techgirl that we already had movies on this platform, but with questionable quality. My only problem with this is YouTube having to embed adverts but how else would revenue be generated? Who wants to watch a movie with... See more
Ad blockers are a beautiful thing! I find YouTube ads to be especially unbearable because they play the same commercial every single time. It's so annoying.