I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for what about the devices that work with Siri?  They've been around for some time.  Would it be premature to add the latest Petcube toys which work with Alexa?  Would that count as home robotics? 
AIisLife - Edited
I guess I can see those three products meeting the listed requirements.  They do something functional, are backed by big brands, and are likely to stick around, especially Siri.  I suppose you've convinced me. Thanks for the help!
Those sound like tons of fun and they appear to be a great way to interact with a pet while at work or on vacation.  Unfortunately, my dog would  probably be scared of it.  
Alexa is already well-trained by now so maybe consumer info isn't as invaluable to Amazon anymore so they figured why not.  I think consumers should be more honest about how much they value their privacy.  I think most people are willing to... See more
AIisLife - Edited
I like the key holder from this list.  It's brilliant to include reward information on there.  I also like the Jabra earbuds and have a pair myself.  
I enjoy teardown articles and videos and the writer in this one has a great sense of humor which adds to it.  It was nice to see how the lens works and the article provided a clear explanation for each little thing and what it does.   Thanks for... See more
From what I've read, these products would make me feel insecure, especially a scale that weighed and measured so many factors about my body. 
This is the first time that I've actually loved everything in the collection.  That stuff is super adorable!  I'm with you though I really like the hat.
I have that same smart lock that uses your fingerprint to grant entry and it works amazingly well. I'm the type that loses keys too easily so this was a a big help. 
Maybe the scale will make me better at cooking.  I notice that line of smart kitchen products has a blender too, and all seem highly rated.  I had no idea these things were out there and I'm happy to fully embrace them. 
I'm a fan of theirs, but not that big of a fan.  I need more than just aesthetic changes to make me buy in.  But at least it really is limited to a small number.  
I like smart devices like these that don't require a specific hub.  I'm glad the cam offers two-way audio so you can watch the feed and still talk to whoever is there.  I could see myself watching it all day just to prank whoever happened by.  
I like how benevolent both sides are trying to act, when in reality it all boils down to Spotify wants more money for Spotify and Apple wants more money for Apple.  It's not about fairness, the consumers, or assisting small app developers at... See more
I think Huawei was actually caught spying, but I thought that sort of thing was common, especially in tech.  I'm surprised we don't hear about it more often across the board.
I love multifunctional products.  Those look nice and the idea sounds cool, but I don't want anyone having to hear my music no matter how slight.  
That's just scary.  For all of Facebook's talk, I think they just don't care about their users.  I know that users draw in advertisers, but we aren't their bread and butter otherwise. 
I stream movies quite often on my desktop computer and a good set of speakers can transform the whole experience.  I don't have any speaker stands though.  Do you believe they make a difference?
Considering that Apple's latest phones didn't sell out immediately like they used to, I'm hoping they'll feel driven to create something totally unique and different. 
Honestly, just having a headphone jack is a huge plus for me!  It looks like Apple is dedicated to the AirPods and this might be enough to make me switch.  
I think it might be too late because the field is already tight enough with phone makers.  The company was pushed out for a reason.
I don't use a password manager because it just seems like one more password to remember.  I figured they'd be super secure though.  I'm surprised to learn otherwise.
The Lenovo Ideapad does seem like a great little notebook at a reasonable price.  I appreciate the review.  It helps me think outside of the Apple box so to speak.
It's good that this laptop shouldn't dent when you throw it in your bag, but then again, I've never known any laptop to dent when I've thrown it in my bag and lugged around during my commute. With all the chatter about bendable iPads perhaps... See more
I support anything that can be fixed and upgraded in the future.  Plus, that  screen is just gorgeous.  It's a shame it will be outside of the average consumers price range. 
I always find it interesting when security articles recommend using a password manager.  It's as though they've forgotten that those password managers have also been hacked or leaked data in the past including LastPass.
I love this game and I'm anxiously awaiting the start of Season 8.  Rumor has it that it will start on the 28th.  I always enjoy playing, but the start of each new season is the most exciting just to see what the developers have come up with.
I'm looking forward to it too and I'm dying to see what new weapons materialize and what the new world will look like. Fortnite gets more and more fun as the seasons progress.  I can't say that about many other games.
A few years ago certain electronic brand names stood for quality products so it was worth paying more for that brand.   That's just not true anymore as the field has evened out.  
AIisLife - Edited
I think we hear too much gloom and doom about robotics so it's nice to see a positive article about it.  I would love to have one as a pet.  I think something like that at work would boost morale.   Now imagine one in a nursing home or with our... See more
I will gladly purchase a new iPad mini.  I'll be surprised if Apple releases an entry-level iPad.  Apple has always focused on creating a unique value proposition rather than using price to gain customers.  An entry-level device would diminish... See more
EmorySmith - Edited
LG's rollable television is really cool, but it sure looks flimsy.  I could see young kids or a pet easily destroying it.  I'm anxious to see one in  person. 
It beats having to mount the television with brackets.  It sure is thin and has to save a ton of wall space.  I like the soundbar that's built-in as well. 
AIisLife commented on More S10 Details
AIisLife - Edited
I just really want to see something new and different for once.  I don't think Samsung has made many changes to their usual line.  We'll see what happens though. 
This is the first I've heard of it and I have to say it makes more interested in buying the latest iPhone. I bet it will persuade others as well.  
The picture on that screen looks fantastic!  I'm looking forward to seeing what pops up at CES 2019.  If only our broadcasting channels could keep up with technology. 
I'm glad you shared this article.  I don't live in a cold area and never gave thought to how an EV would perform in cold weather.  How interesting!
I would love to get away from the ridiculous contract with my cable company and its router.  I'd jump at this 5G router if it worked well. 
I never thought about this before but I guess the writer is correct.  It's interesting how the number of users affects the developers' decisions.  
I'm not sure what make of it.  Is this design clever or are we getting that lazy?  I'd wear them in a heartbeat, lazy or not. 
It is odd that they aren't charging more since Toshiba is a well known-brand.  It's nice to see a lower price point though. 
I think many people suffer from security fatigue.  It seems like a new company falls prey to hackers each day.  Some people just start to tune it out. 
Jeez, many of those passwords are ridiculous.  We've been warned not to use numbers in a row or dictionary words for ages now.  Why is "monkey" popular?  
They've created a nice list.  I have an Apple MacBook Pro and like it a lot.  I noticed that HP didn't make the cut, which doesn't surprise me.  
I typically just use them to transfer documents from my home computer to my work computer, but I'm going to try some of the suggestions in the article like creating a Linux based OS.
I got my grandparents one of the Jitterbug phones and it works great for what they need.  The buttons are large enough that they're easy to see and the phone is very simple to work. 
There's also an FDA approved tool that works with the iPhone and iPad to take EKGs.  The commercial makes it sound like it's the same as getting it done professionally which could cause problems down the road.
The product that stands out to me is the PhoneSoap3 Sanitizer. I hate thinking about all the germs on my phone! Also, the article states the device can used for cleaning other small objects such as money and keys. I think that sounds great. This... See more
I like the sanitizer as well and had no idea such a thing existed.  I usually just wipe things down with Lysol wipes, including electronics, but I know that isn't ideal.  
This article raises a lot of excellent points, but it sure seems like a lot of work just to protect your privacy.  I wish our laws were stronger instead.
I wish Tony Hawk's skateboarding classic had been included since it was my favorite game as a kid, but I'm thrilled to play Final Fantasy again.
I would love to learn how to code.  I've tried to learn Python in the past, but I just couldn't keep up with it due to work and other obligations.  I'm going to buckle down and try again. 
I hear you on that.  There are tons of tutorials out there, it's just a matter of creating a goal, planning for it, and making the time to get it done.  
A hand warmer is a great idea but it would make sense if there was more power to it. The typical power bank has 10,000 mAh worth of power. I want to fully rely on this device when I am able to brave the cold, on my own.
That's a good point, Dante5, and in my experience, these devices never last as long as the manufacturers claim since they use perfect conditions for testing.  
I know some people use their phone for watching movies and checking email, but I can't adjust to the small screen size and lack of computing power.  I prefer to use my tablet for those things. 
I wish I'd read this before I fell for the hype.  I spent quite a bit on a new 4K HDR T.V. and it hasn't made a difference since I mostly use mine for watching cable television shows.
I'm sure it's only a matter of time until the HomePod can order food delivery, a ride, or anything else.  Amazon is leading the way with this, since you can use Alexa to buy items from Amazon.  Maybe it's easier to create if you run both the... See more
I admit that I'm brand loyal to Apple, but this article is still helpful as all the giant tech companies make phones with different specs.  
I'm not sure this will benefit consumers since competition usually equals better deals for us all.  Amazon is gaining too strong a foothold here and that's concerning.  
AIisLife commented on The Cheap Sony
Thanks for sharing!  I've wondered about this mini.  There are tons of great Bluetooth speakers on the market that are affordable.  I bet Sony felt the pinch.